Thursday, February 22, 2007

Studio sues over topless Jennifer Aniston pics

The aforementioned article

I happened to see these pics awhile back (I was researching...a paper...I promise). This lawsuit seems a little unfair. Granted, I know it violates copyright and all. And it's extremely probable that the pictures were stolen by someone. But let's be honest. Whoever the culprit is, they did a great service for everybody. He saw the shameful hypocrisy of only allowing us to see Jennifer Aniston's sexy bare back and her cute butt and said "NO SIR!" "IT'S NOT FAIR," he shouted to the rafters. "The viewing public must also see her chest." And not behind an opaque or semi-translucent facade (or what some call clothes). Whoever you are out there, you are a hero. And I salute you. Cheers!

Have I officially lost all credibility yet? I have to be close.

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