Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Tpinyg wilhe dnurk

I took my grandmother to get her car fixed in Hickory today. Which is at least the 4th time I've been on this trip. She drives a Mercedes Benz from the 1970s and for some reason she refuses to trade it in for a new car. So what's the closest place that deals with German cars? Well...you guessed it. It wasn't that bad a trip either. She paid for my lunch and gave me gas money (I try to say no but she insists).

Remember I said I was gonna post an Arcade Fire review by last Thursday. Yeah...I forgot. It'll come soon though. I'm just too tired to right it out write now. Alan would be proud of that last sentence. I think.

Do you like how I namedrop people in these posts without explaining who they are? Since some people read this and don't know me very well, I think that's very appropriate. It's a nice way to make people feel confused.

Slate is predicting that Alberto Gonzales will be out by Friday. I scoff at that assertion. Doesn't he have testimony before Congress in mid-April? I'd be surprised if he's gone by then. In fact, I think he may hold on till around the summer. But I'd be real surprised if he's gone in the next few weeks.

College students are telling Facebook that high schoolers should be kicked off because they keep posting pictures of themselves partying. If that were the case, wouldn't 99% of Facebook users be banned?

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