Sunday, December 23, 2007

I'm Such A Moron

See. I told you I'm an idiot. I said Georgetown, Xavier, Clemson and Arkansas would win yesterday. Whoops!

Speaking of Arkansas, I'm pretty surprised that Appalachian won. That's the type of win that could turn a season around.

And the Panthers unsurprisingly lost to Dallas yesterday. So they're out of the playoffs. They wouldn't have done anything anyway so it's probably for the best.

I saw the Rob Zombie remake of Halloween the other night. We have a strong contender for the bottom of my 2007 rankings. Of course the original is my favorite John Carpenter movie (YES WILL EVEN BETTER THAN THE THING) so it was already on slippery ground.

I've been entering some No limit Hold Em tournaments on PokerStars. I've also been getting my ass handed to me. Another one starts at 1 so hopefully I'll do a little better.

I forgot to bring my board game Puerto Rico home. I've been playing it online and it's probably my favorite board game ever. Oh well.

I'm in the midst of the last Sopranos season (tear). I don't want it to end it's so good.

Ok I'm gonna get ready for my poker tournament. Adios!

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