Friday, December 21, 2007

It's Been A Long Time

Yeah so back in April I said I was going to try to post more often. This is my first post since then. Mission accomplished!

So what's been going on in my life since then...quick recap time!

Went to a Wilco concert this summer. Awesome
Been at William & Mary for a semester now...and haven't flunked out yet!
Met a lot of cool people
Yadda Yadda Yadda

I didn't even publish my college basketball preview. Very sad. My preseason Final Four was UCLA, Memphis, North Carolina and Kansas in case you were wondering.

Also since I last posted, I hit an all time high in my personal portfolio. And then proceeded to lose around $10,000 in just a few months. I'm really enjoying the Subprime Meltdown Dance Party.

While I'm home for Christmas, me and my brother have made plans to see Aliens vs Predator: Requiem on Christmas Day. We really need girlfriends. Wait...that's changed too? I can't use tat joke right now? Things really have changed in just 8 months or so!

And since I've been gone Radiohead released their newest album which is their best since OK Computer. I'm probably picking it for Album of the Year.

Speaking of Year-End Awards, I'm in the process of doing my annual Ranking of Every Movie I Witnessed This Year. That will be coming very soon. And I promise that doesn't mean in 8 months.

More posts coming shortly. I bid you adieu!

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