Thursday, January 18, 2007

I'm All In

I apologize for not giving the dozens of people who read this blog something to read in the afternoon/evening. I had several reasons for this.

1. I was going to post several YouTube clips of mine and my brother's making. But I had trouble uploading them. And I became impatient. So maybe later.

2. I bought Legend of Zelda:Twilight Princess today so I spent all evening playing it. It was the first time I had seen it in the store. The GameCube version had been sold out because since Wiis are sold out, I think everybody has been buying the GC version. Which is funny because you can find the Wii version everywhere. I figure most of the people getting Wiis are just playing the crazy Wii Sports game and throwing their controller through their TVs.

Well Carolina beat Clemson pretty handily. I stopped watching once I realized it was going to be a rout. And Va Tech lost their first ACC game. So now I think BC is the only remaining unbeaten in conference play. And they just dismissed a couple important players from the team. That should go over well.

Update on my latest investment Lenox. This week hasn't been as good so far. It was trading in the 4's for a little while on Friday but today it closed at 3.60. Like I said, volatility. Probably will be that way for awhile until more definitive info comes out on its financial health. I'm still up nearly 12% though.

Supposed to be a big storm tonight I think. Hopefully we won't lose power. HOW WILL I LIVE WITHOUT BLOGGING!?

I got an event invitation through Facebook today. It looks like the (not) famous duo of Union County will be having an album pre-release party in Boone. I think I'll try to attend. Barring the weather of course. I'm feeling in a fairly good mood too so I'll even post their website so I will divert the several people (and i mean several) who read this.
Union County

Ok I'm going to bed now. Night.

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