Sunday, January 21, 2007

I'm slacking

Yeah I didn't post yesterday. I was busy and really didn't have anything to say. I know both of you missed me.

The tragedy of Iona continues. they lost by one measly point to Niagara. Niagara scored with 13.1 seconds left to keep Iona in the winless column. Up next is the ever dangerous 5-15 Fairfield.

So Hillary is in. As you know I think she will be one of the serious if not THE most serious contender for the White House no matter how many people down her. I'm not particularly fond of her but hey she's better than John Edwards (editor's note- Hopefully nobody who reads the site is a passionate Edwards supporter. Because I'm really trying to drive people away if that's so.)

Also, the other day when I said that America was ready for a woman President and used Germany's Angela Merkel and France's potential Prime Minister, Segolene Royal. Well, I totally forgot about Great Britain's Margaret Thatcher. And that was during the Reagan era! So yet another example why it wouldn't be that unheard of. Another reas I have some doubts about Obama. Quick! Name a black leader in one of the G8 Nations. At any time in history! I can't think of one.

Twilight Princess is a great game. Probably the most cinematic Zelda game ever. The boss fights are a tad on the easy side but they've been pretty innovative so far.

Well I'm gonna go see if anyone interesting is on Meet the Press. Bye.

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