Monday, January 7, 2008

This is why I don't bet.

So I went 2-2 against the spread. Not a spectacular start. Not terrible either. Maybe I'll do better in the remaining games.

Could someone tell me why the hell Staktek (STAK) keeps falling. I bought back in May and have lost 40% of my investment. It's not in danger of bankruptcy, as it's Z-score is between 7 and 8. Anything above 3 is financially safe. It trades for $1.65 but has $1.22 a share on the balance sheet. It's been in the negative profit wise for awhile, but the business is still generating cash. It seems like a screaming buy to me. Once my GNSS tender offer closes, I will be adding more to my position.

I have found a MINI Cooper that I am interested in. Probably trading in the Camry for it before I go back to school (if the price is right of course). I'll keep you informed.


Hazebeast Beasley said...

Seriously; how many cars do you own?

Jeb McRary said...

We currently have 4 at my house.

Toyota Camry
Honda CRV
Scion xB
Toyota Tacoma