Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Odds for a perfect bracket

It's nearly that time of year where everyone does bracket picks. Some contests will give you big cash prizes if you do a Perfect Bracket by picking all 63 games (play-in game not included) correctly. What are the odds of this? Well if you assume every team is equal the chance of picking one game correctly is 1/2=50%. The odds of picking two games correctly is 1/(2*2)=25% So the odds of picking all 63 games correctly is...

1/(2*2*2*2*2*2....*2 63 times)=1/9,223,372,036,854,775,808 (That's more than nine quintrillion)=0.000000000000000010842%

I think I put the decimal in the right place. Just know it's really really small. Good luck!

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