Sunday, March 4, 2007

YouTube is slipping

I'm so disappointed. I'm looking for video of Gerald Henderson's elbow to the face of Tyler Hansbrough at the end of the UNC-Duke game. I wanted to review it some more so I could make a judgement call. I saw several replays during the game and just didn't think it warranted an intentional. Hard foul no doubt. But what it looks like to me is Henderson going up for the block, the ball is swatted away, he turns his head towards the ball, pulls back his arm and unfrotunately his elbow comes up and smacks Tyler right in the face. Granted, Tyler deserved to be furious and if I told you that I wouldn't have tried to kill him either, I'd be a liar. But of what I've seen so far, it was an unintentional foul and I think the refs got it wrong. Just my humble opinion.

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