Monday, February 19, 2007

Proof There Is No God of the night

I was reading about the movie Control which is about Ian Curtis' life and suicide. Ian was the lead singer of Joy Division which is perhaps my favorite band of all time. Anyway, I noticed that there is a soundtrack of the movie being released. Some of the acts mentioned make a lot of sense. U2. The Cure. Depeche Mode. The Killers. David Bow.....waitaminute...THE FUCKING KILLERS?!? What the hell are they doing here? Those damned mediocre hacks? Who the hell allowed them in this project? Damn that's annoying. And if we had to choose a more modern-era band to do a Joy Division cover, why couldn't it have been Interpol? You know the one every music critic when doing the album review for Turn On the Bright Lights mentions Joy Division. So The Killers are doing a cover of Shadowplay. It should be truly godawful. I think it's already been leaked. I'm afraid to look for it. This news makes me want to watch the film Stroszek and then hang myself. How utterly depressing.

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