Tuesday, January 9, 2007

I hate our accountant

Every year at the end of the year, I compile my stock positions that I sold so I can pay taxes on them. I don't know how many times our accountant has asked for me to go back and tell what dates I buy the stock at and sell it at. I always comply. So I thought that all I would need for proof of that I bought Krispy Kreme on July 6, 2004 was to look at my tax statement from 2005 (when I sold it). And would you believe that there isn't one damn date on that form? NOT ONE!!! So now I can't technically prove that I bought it on July 6, 2004. And now I'm not so sure I can claim $466.50 because I'll have trouble putting out evidence to this. Needless to say, I am not pleased.

UPDATE!!! Perhaps I spoke too soon. I looked on the tax form again and they did have dates on them. But seriously who writes dates like 20050706. That makes it look like an account number or something. But at least I have something.

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