Wednesday, January 3, 2007

Shake the maraca! SHAKE IT!

Every time I bid on Samba de Amigo, I lose. One day.

Just got back from Hickory. Got Mom several things for her birthday. Yoga mat and ball. Bathing salts. Pedicure kit. I'll let Will give her the yoga stuff.

Best Buy had no copies of Twilight Princess for GameCube. I guess since the Wii is sold out, everybody bought it for GameCube. So I'll have to wait a little longer. I guess I'll keep trying to find all the secrets in Resident Evil 4. Which is sort of impossible, because I'm playing the GameCube version. The Playstation 2 has more but Will is hogging it because he's gone on a Final Fantasy binge. Which means I'll get the PS2 back around my birthday.

Unfortunately my birthday is May 7.

Before I go, I'm still sort of messing around with the new site. You probably noticed but in case you didn't. I'm still in flux on a few things. If you have any recommendations on how the site should look, feel free to leave me a comment. I won't promise I will do it (I'm not a puppet!), but I'll consider it. And if I don't like it, I'll openly ridicule you on my blog which dozens(!!!) of people read. So no pressure.

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