Monday, January 29, 2007

You don't have to go home but you can't stay here

I like Scrubs. It's a funny show. But tonight they did something on the show (a repeat on Comedy Central) that kind of annoyed me. It's not the only show that is guilty of this but since I like it, I was disappointed. Basically J.D. sleeps with Eliot while her boyfriend is temporarily unavailable because she realized J.D. was there for her. Granted it didn't work out due to the boyfriend returning 90 seconds after they had sex and Eliot leaping into his arms. Obviously they did a whole episode where J.D. was upset about this not necessarily because he had feelings for her but just the way it ended up. But my problem arises from the fact that the show in its script makes it a point that this is J.D's fault. Because he wasn't being her friend. Let me point out why I have a problems with this.

1. First, I'm analyzing a goddamn sitcom. DAMMIT WHO PUT THAT THERE!!!! *Sacks editor Monty Python style.

1. Let's try this again. It was Eliot who pushed the situation because she saw J.D. was "being there for her". Hell he was trying to watch Judge Dredd and she started stroking the side of his face!
2. So right after she sleeps with him she immediately goes back into her boyfriend's arms after cheating on him but tells J.D. to please not say anything.
3. As I said, it's made a point that it is J.D. who is in the wrong because he's not being a friend. You know, after she led him on by sleeping with him.

I'm disappointed in you Scrubs. And I don't watch you religiously so maybe this was an isolated instance on the show and perhaps the whole situation was later explained in a story arc that I missed (Dammit I don't have Netflix! So alone. So al....). But shows like Scrubs tonight and others like Sex and the City and Grey's Anatomy...well every fucking night are being totally disingenous. The guys are always to blame. And the women are always in the right. If a show switches the role, then it's decried for being chauvinistic and stuck in the past. If it does it in the way I described then it's "empowering" and "showcasing strong female characters". Personally, I call it hypocrisy. But that's just me.

I'm glad to see that Sarah Silverman is getting her own show on Comedy Central. She is great. Adorable but the filth that comes out of her mouth is extraordinary. The things she says I could never say. But yeah. Hopefully it will be good.

Demetri Martin is a great comedian. That is all.

Actually it's not all.

Or is it?

Yes it is.

For now.


1 comment:

Tammy said...

I wanna say that on Grey's, when Christina and Burke didn't talk for like 3 episodes, it was both their faults. Mostly Christina's. And now they're getting married!! :-D (sorry for anyone i ruined that for) But yeah. Just adding some drama to your tv drama :)