Friday, January 12, 2007

Wake Forest pisses me off

So I had pretty much finished my application for Wake. I only lack one of my references to send in his recommendation. And then I checked my inbox. In it was last night's chat transcript where alumni, students and admissions staff talked to prospective students. I was a tad unnderved when no less than 5 or 6 different questions the admissions staff seemed to put a heavy weighting on work experience. In fact to quote a few times...

We look for candidates to have a minimum of 2 years of work experience.

The post graduate work experience is very important.

Work experience is extremely important in terms of admissions requirements. Our class boasts an average of 4 years of work, with 2 years as the minimum.

The top three are Interview, work experience and GMAT. I think these are equally important.

My question is...when did Wake become fucking Harvard? Ok granted I understand that apparently MBA programs really like work experience nowadays. I don't know why. If I was going to medical school, they're not going to ask me how many lives I've saved. If I went to law school, nobody would ask how many cases I had won. To get into a masters in economics program, I don't think it's required to be published in the American Economic Review. But for some reason, business schools have decided that people need work experience. Why?'s important!

But that's not even the issue. WAKE FOREST'S WEB SITE EXPLICITLY SAYS THAT WORK EXPERIENCE IS NOT A PREREQUISITE!!! Don't believe me? Here's something I found on the FAQ of the web site.

Is work experience required?

Work experience is not required for admission to the full-time program

So now the rules have changed? And this is exactly what Vanderbilt did. They said work experience wasn't required either. So I applied and didn't get accepted. Now I had a 3.40. Vanderbilt's average is 3.20. I scored a 690 which is in the top 9% of test-takers. Vanderbilt's average is around 640. I asked the person I interviewed with at Vanderbilt what the most important part of the application was. Although he hedged and said it was all important, he conveyed that the math portion of the GMAT would be highly weighted. My math score was in the top 10%. My verbal score was in the measly top 25%. How sad! Oh did I mention I got perfect on the analytical writing part? As 5% in the country? As in... a computer and a person both graded my writing and found NO flaws whatsoever? GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!

Of course I'm not going to take this. William & Mary has treated me well so far (knock on wood). Their site says no work experience required either. I guess when I go to Williamsburg they'll ask why I'm not CFO of GE yet.

I went ahead and sent an e-mail to Wake expressing my concerns and wondering why all the contradictory information. I asked them why I should bother applying if they weren't going to look at my application simply because I hadn't sucked somebody's under somebody for several years. I asked if I should complete my application as planned or if I was just wasting my time. So far, I haven't heard back.

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