Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Such is life!

Crude oil has been crashing lately. Now it's down below $55 a barrel. Since my predictions in sports have been a little off as of late, I have to brag. When oil hit $70 a barrel they had a poll online that asked if oil would hit $80 or $60 first. I picked $60 and was in the significant minority. Now don't crown me emperor just yet. I just thought oil was overbought and all the traders were pricing it as if the apocalypse was coming. Things have been a little calmer globally (Iraq...I know....but it hasn't really caused any problems in oil supply), the weather has been ridiculously warm and with other commodities crashing, I have a feeling a recession is coming this year. So be a little forewarned if you're planning to spend a lot. Everybody seems to be bullish this year. I'm neutral/bearish.

Now Lenox is up more than 12% today. The way this stock moves I could see it closing down 15%. Haha. Hopefully I'm not speaking too soon, but in just a few days I've already gained more than $200 off of it. So please go out and support the cause. Buy some overpriced china. Pay $500 for a set of flatware. Buy a tacky little house to put in your Christmas village (I don't care that it's mid-January. DO IT!)

Apple Computer changed their name yesterday. Now they're known as Apple. Which makes sense. Since the iPod has done so well and now that they've introduced the iTV and the iPhone. I have to admit the iPhone does look interesting. I like my Motorola Q but browsing on the Internet can be a hassle on some sites. Also, notice the song they played on the iPhone yesterday was "Lovely Rita". Are The Beatles finally coming to iTunes? They haven't announced it yet, but I have to feel that the song was chosen for a reason. I guess I've missed a lot of profits by not bying Apple or Google but both still look overpriced to me. They're in that "THEY CAN DO NO WRONG!" phase where everyone loves them. That worries me. I like picking up companies on the cheap who "CAN DO NO RIGHT!" See Lenox above. I mean look at which stock did the best on the Dow last year. General Motors. I thought they were on the verge of bankruptcy!

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